To the 20th anniversary of the Russian historic-archival journal "Herald of an archivist". History of creation and activity

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Annotation / Аннотация
In the article are considered questions of creation and the basic lines of activity of the newsletter of the Russian Society of Historians-Archivists “Herald of an archivist” (1991-2007), since 2008 - Russian historic-archival journal "Herald of an archivist". In this article is analyzed the contribution of editors-in-chief of magazine, members of an editorial board and employees of edition in increase of scientific level of the edition, authority on reader's and research community.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы создания и основные направления деятельности информационного бюллетеня Российского общества историков-архивистов «Вестник архивиста» (1991-2007), с 2008 г. - российского историко-архивоведческого журнала «Вестник архивиста», анализируется вклад главных редакторов журнала, членов редакционной коллегии и сотрудников редакции в повышение научного уровня издания, авторитета в читательском и исследовательском сообществе.

Keywords / Ключевые слова
Russian historic-archival journal "Herald of an archivist", Russian Society of Historians-Archivists (ROIA), Archival science, source study, genealogy, electronic archives and documents. Российский историко-архивоведческий журнал «Вестник архивиста», Российское общество историков-архивистов (РОИА), архивоведение, источниковедение, генеалогия, электронные архивы и документы.

Russian historic-archival journal "Herald of an archivist" is published 20 years. On March, 11th 1991 it has been registered as the newsletter as mass media, as its founder the Russian society of historians-archivists (РОИА) has acted. The worker of the archival business, one of initiators, founders and heads of ROIA, the honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation Michael Stegantsev became its first editor-in-chief. In 1985-1992 M.V.Stegantsev headed the Central state archive of the Soviet army (CGASA, nowadays RGVA), and in 1992 has been selected by the first deputy of the chairman of the board of Main board ROIA.

The expanded session

of editorial board in RGGU. On September, 15th, 2010

Editorial board session on December, 15th, 2010

In 1997 new editor-in-chief is a doctor of historical sciences, professor Alexander Stepansky. All his life has been connected with the Moscow state historic-archival institute (MGIAI, nowadays RGGU). It was the excellent expert in the field of an archaeography and a source study. He gave a lot of attention to scientific level of published articles, introduction in practice of system of criteria of examination of documents, working out of theoretical and methodical bases of acquisition of archives.

Ediorial staff of the Russian historic-archival journal "Herald of an archivist": Glishinskaya N.V., Soldatova O.N., Inozemceva Z.P., Borisov V.V., Isacova M.S., Seleznev M.N., Prozorova V.B.

In June 2008 newsletter “Herald of an archivist” became the journal. “Herald of an archivist” is included in the List of leading reviewed scientific magazines and editions of Russia in which the basic scientific results of dissertations on competition of scientific degrees of the doctor and the candidate of science should be published. Now the magazine publishes scientific articles in following scientific directions:

documental science, archival science – 05.25.02;

historiography, source study and methods of historical research – 07.00.09;
national history – 07.00.02;

general history – 07.00.03,

The magazine provides information support of research, methodical both organizational activity of ROIA and Rosarhiv.

Editors-in-chief: Stegancev M.V. (1991-1997), Stepanskii A.D. (1997-2008), Anfertiev I.A. (Since 2008)

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Полностью материал публикуется в российском историко-архивоведческом журнале ВЕСТНИК АРХИВИСТА. Ознакомьтесь с условиями подписки здесь.