Features of the reading room of Russian State Archive for Scientific-Technical Documentation (RGANTD).


Annotation / Аннотация
Users’ work in reading room is an important aspect of archival documents’ using. Reading room of Russian State Archive for Scientific and Technological Documents is fully equipped with modern facilities for research work with all kinds of documents on paper, film and electronic form. Main users of information containing in scientific and technological documents, documentary films, phonograms, photographs and video documents are film directors, journalists, specialists from scientific research institutes and museums. Automatized archival technologies and retrieval systems are in operation for users’ convenience and preservation of documents.
В статье анализируется работа пользователей в читальном зале RGANTD, который полностью оборудован современными средствами для работы со всеми видами документов на бумажных, пленочных и электронных носителях. Основными пользователями информации научно-технических документов, кино-, фоно-, фото- и видеодокументов по истории освоения космоса являются режиссеры, журналисты, сотрудники научных институтов и музеев. Для удобства пользователей и обеспечения сохранности документов функционируют автоматизированные архивные технологии и поисковые системы.

Keywords / Ключевые слова
Russian State Archive for Scientific and Technological Documents, Reading room, Scientific and technological documents, Audiovisual documents, Photo documents, Using of documents, History of cosmic exploration. Российский государственный архив научно-технической документации, читальный зал, научно-техническая документация, аудиовизуальные документы, фотодокументы, использование документов, история освоения космоса.

One of the basic directions of activity RGANTD is using of archival documents. The archive stores documents of the state and private research and technical organizations, mass media, documents from personal archives on different information carriers. These are documents on a paper basis on almost all industries, including defensive and space branches (the research, design, design, technological, administrative documentation and documents on staff), and also audiovisual documents of all kinds: cinema - a photo - fono - video documents.

The wide specific and thematic structure of documentary file of RGANTD imposes the features on structure of thematic inquiries arriving in archive and, accordingly, on use of the automated search means by preparation of answers to these inquiries. Till 2004 the archive had no reading room that seriously complicated access of users to documental information and archival documents and, accordingly, input in a scientific turn of the big layer of the most interesting documents on stories of a science and technique from funds RGANTD became complicated.

Reading room of the RGANTD has opened the doors for users on September, 2004. Its work is organized according to “Rules of work of users in reading rooms of the state archives of the Russian Federation”. The permission to users for work with documents is given by the director of archive. The reading room is calculated on simultaneous work of nine researchers with any kinds of documents both on paper, and on film and electronic carriers. The reading room is equipped by the corresponding equipment: personal computers, the printer, the copier, the scanner; assembly tables for viewing of film documents; the TV and the video recorder for viewing of video recordings and copies from using fund.

In total stored in RGANTD there are 115 150 units of storage of audiovisual documents (cinema - photo - phono- and video documents). In RGANTD the question on transformation документной information by means of numbering in other form which in greater to a measure would meet requirements of users is successfully solved. In archive the automated archival technologies which provide creation of fund of working and insurance copies on especially valuable photos - phono- and film documents by means of numbering and record on the optical carrier function. The archive gives to this perspective direction of the activity a great attention: electronic catalogues of film- and documentary photographs are placed on site RGANTD. Optical disks with records of especially valuable documentary photographs and soundtracks are given for use in reading room RGANTD.

For time last from the beginning of work of a reading room, increasing interest of users of various categories to archive documents is observed. It both Russian and foreign experts in the branches, having scientific degrees and having scientific authority. Convenience of access to the information, speed and the quality of service caused by introduction of a modern information technology, are the important factors for attraction of professionals and all who is interested in history of development of a science and technologies.