Documents of Russian state archive for scientific and technological documents as source base for studying russian science and engineering history at post-perestroika period

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Annotation / Аннотация
Scientific and technological documents’ acquisition is an important task for retaining of documental sources about Russian science and engineering history. Post-perestroika period was accompanied by certain difficulties in this sphere of the archive’s work. These problems were caused by many scientific research and project designing organizations’ adoption of new forms of property (first of all the private one) and also by demise of the Soviet Union. Now the archive’ acquisition of various kinds of scientific and technological documents is successfully carried out.
Комплектование научно-технической документацией является важной задачей для сохранения документальных источников по истории российской науки и техники. Постперестроечный период сопровождался определенными трудностями в этой области работы архива. Эти трудности были вызваны переходом многих научно-исследовательских и проектно-конструкторских организаций на новые формы собственности (прежде всего на частную), а также распадом СССР. В настоящее время успешно осуществляется комплектование РГАНТД научно-технической документацией различных видов.

Keywords / Ключевые слова
Russian State Archive for Scientific and Technological Documents, Scientific and technological documents, Acquisition Russian science and engineering history, Scientific research and project designing organizations Post-perestroika period. Российский государственный архив научно-технической документации, научно-техническая документация, комплектование, история российской науки и техники, научно-исследовательские и проектно-конструкторские организации, постперестроечный период.

1960-1970 – the period of origin of an archival science of the reference document as independent kind of activity. To the XX-th century middle the research, design, design and technological organizations and the enterprises located in territory of Russia, have created a huge layer of the scientific and technical documents which are historical sources for studying of scientific and technical progress of the country in the course of the activity.

In the end of December, 1967 there was a Decision of Ministerial council of the USSR about creation of the Central state archive of the scientific and technical documentation, and since 1968 the archive has begun the practical activities. In 1995 after creation of new archive – the Russian state archive of the scientific and technical documentation (the head archive settles down in Moscow, the regional office – in Samara) has developed the following order of acquisition and storage of scientific and technical documents of branches of domestic economy. RGANTD (Moscow) is completed with funds of the organizations and the enterprises of the Moscow region, branch in Samara – documents of the organizations of all regions of the Russian Federation (except Moscow and Moscow Region, St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region).

Now stored in RGANTD and regional office there are 2,5 million units. The scientific and technical documentation – complexes of the reference documents allowing objectively to reflect a role of creators of archive – the leading scientific and technical organizations and the enterprises in scientific and technical progress of the country. The archival complexes of the reference document selected on the state storage form date base for studying of history of a domestic science and technics. The purpose of formation of a full and authentic complex of the reference document is multidimensional research of history of a science and technics, a reconstruction of an objective picture of scientific and technical activity of the country in all its significant aspects. Among the documentary complexes which have arrived on storage in RGANTD, there is a number of outstanding samples of scientific and technical thought and industrial culture, leading workings out which outstripped a technological level of time and have gained world authority.

Feature of funds of archive is the wide specific structure of documents: scientific and technical, administrative, audiovisual (kino-, photo-, fono- and videodocuments, the phototelemetering information, machine-readable documents), documents of personal archives. The Scientific and technical documentation (research, design, design, technological, cartographical, patent) is stored on various carriers (a paper, a tracing-paper of various kinds and formats, optical disks).

Essential part of process of acquisition RGANTD now is purposeful replenishment of documental archive complex new funds and the documents characterizing the basic stages of scientific and technical progress of Russia, the created organizations with new – a private pattern of ownership: RКК "Energy" it. S.P. Korolev, AOZT NPP "Star", AOOT "Science", etc.

Last years commercial and industrial interest of sources of acquisition to workings out of former years which easier to modify has sharply increased, than to make working out of new designs. Therefore these organizations have extremely painfully concerned the occurred reduction of terms of departmental storage of all groups of the reference document. It is shown also by requests for increase in terms of departmental storage, and refusals in reference document transfer on constant storage. All it has negatively affected qualitative and quantitative aspects of acquisition of the reference document.

The first decade of the XXI-st century has put before RGANTD many new problems. However acquisition by the scientific and technical documentation on history of a science and technics – the archive successfully carries out the basic priority problem.