Data base research problems of stay and activity of soviet military corps in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.


Annotation / Аннотация
В статье представлен анализ и характеристика источников по истории межгосударственных отношений СССР с Эстонией, Латвией и Литвой в сложный период начала Второй мировой войны и первый год ее хода. Основное внимание уделено рас-смотрению источников, отражающих практическое выполнение сторонами догово-ров о взаимопомощи.
This article is devoted to the analysis and the characteristic of sources on history of relationships between the USSR, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania during the difficult time of the beginning of the World War II and the first year of its running. The main attention is given to the consideration of sources on practical realization of mutual aid contracts by the participants.

Keywords / Ключевые слова
Ввод и пребывание контингентов советских войск (сил) в Латвии, Литве и Эстонии, источники, сборники документов, материалы периодической печати, документы архивов. Input and stay of contingents of the Soviet armies (forces) in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, sources, collections of documents, periodicals materials, documents of archives.

С.Н. Ковалев
ОСЕНЬ 1939 – ЛЕТО 1940 гг.

Last years the theme of input and stay of contingents of the Soviet armies (forces) in Lat-via, Lithuania and Estonia emerges quite often in the scientific literature as in Russia, and abroad, however, it is impossible to speak about its system consideration. Achievement of completeness of research of these problem probably only thanks to attraction of different groups of sources.

In the collection “1940 in Estonia. Documents and materials”, prepared by collective of Estonian authors, are presented only some documents on stay of the Soviet armies and forces of fleet to Estonia. In the collection “Baltic and geopolitics”, prepared by experts of Service of external investigation of the Russian Federation, contain the declassified documents of external investigation concerning events round Baltic in premilitary years and in the Great Patriotic War, together with during the post-war period. In prepared by the Lithuanian and Russian scientists the collection “the USSR and Lithuania in days of the Second World War” (volume I – “USSR and the Lithuanian Republic: March 1939-August, 1940”) the documents supplementing materials in earlier published collections are presented.

To working out of the presented problematic the collection, is published by the European university in Tallinn in 1999 Besides published is useful documents, the great interest is represented by K.A. Meretskov's who was in 1939-1940 the commander by armies of LenVO memoirs, and I.A.Gubin's who for a number of years was a member of Military council-chief of political department PribOvO memoirs. Conditions directly ahead of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 and activity of PribOVO transfer during this period memoirs of the deputy chief of engineering armies of district of the major general of engineering armies of P.V. Afanaseva. The greatest interest is represented by S.I. Kabanov's memoirs «on distant approaches». In them the author who was directly re-sponsible for the organization of coastal defense of the Baltic area and the Soviet naval base in Paldiski, and then ordering base in Hanko, in chronological sequence also has in details covered problems of that period.

Materials of three Russian state archives have exclusive value: the Russian state military archive (РГВА), the Russian state archive of Navy fleet (РГА the Navy), Archive of for-eign policy of the Russian Federation of Historic-documentary department of the Minis-try for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (АВП the Russian Federation).

Certainly, exclusive interest is represented by the materials of the interdepartmental cor-respondence allowing more accurately to present the organizational party of realization of input of the Soviet military contingent and creation of conditions for performance of functions assigned to it. These documents having a dung of officials, it is most system were postponed in fund of secretary of the First deputy of the People's commissar of de-fense of the USSR (F. s.33988.). In collections of documents РГА the Navies were post-poned materials about activity of controls RKKF of all levels, including prospecting bod-ies, staffs, associations, connections, the ships and coastal parts about their activity by preparation, at input of forces of fleet, their activity in a finding for territories of the states of Baltic.

In operations section materials considerable interest was represented also by prospecting reports of Intelligence service of Joint Staff RKKA, 1st management of the Navy and prospecting department of staff KBF; bulletins and reports of a foreign press and the mili-tary literature, reviews of a course of military operations in Europe; materials on planning and carrying out of special operation of fleet on interaction with land forces in Estonia and Latvia in the summer of 1940.

In fund of prospecting department Krasnoznamenny Baltic fleet (r-1883) the prospecting information of various structures of the Navy of the USSR, and so НКО the USSR con-tains. Considerable interest is represented by analytical materials of reconnaissance de-partment of staff KBF, the special newsletters prepared by the central bodies of military management of the USSR.

In АВП the Russian Federations in a number of funds were postponed the materials al-lowing in details to study and analyze activity of a foreign policy management by the USSR and other states, people's commissariats of the USSR and departments of other countries the day before and with the Second World War beginning.

In collections of funds of the plenipotentiary representations of the USSR in Estonia (F. 214), Latvia (F. 210) and Lithuania (F. 211) the considerable volume of unique directory materials about mutual relations between the USSR was postponed and At-Baltic the states on the questions concerning directly to various aspects on a problem of research.

The presented review of data base of research allows to draw a conclusion that it provides high-grade possibility to reveal the conditions which have caused input of contingents of the Soviet armies in the Baltic countries, to carry out the analysis of the problems con-nected with their stay in territory of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from October, 1939 till July, 1940 in a context of foreign policy activity of the USSR.

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