To history of Scobelev’s committee cinematograph activity in 1913-1914. Experience and methodology of professional researches in Russian State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents (RGAKFD)

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Аннотация / Annotation
В статье раскрывается уникальный опыт и методики исследовательской работы специалистов Российского государственного архива кинофотодокументов по розыску документальных фильмов, выпущенных Скобелевским комитетом в 1913-1914 гг. Автор исследует проблемы описания и отражения информации о документальных фильмах в системе научно-справочного аппарата архива.
In this article opens unique experience and methodology of research work of professionals of the Russian State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents (RGAKFD) in search of the documentary films which have been let out by Skobelv’s committee in 1913-1914. Author researches problems of the description and reflection of the information on documentary films in system of explanatory notes of archive.

Ключевые слова / Keywords
Российский государственный архив кинофотодокументов (РГАКФД), Скобелевский комитет, документальный фильм, каталоги, А.А. Ханжонков, В.Е. Вишневский, Госфильмофонд, «Пате-журнал», «Сине-фоно», Первая мировая война. Russian State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents (RGAKFD), Skobelv’s committee, documentary film, directories, A.A. Hanjonkov, V.E. Vishnevskiy, Gosfilmfond, “Pate-journal”, “Cine-phono”, World War I.

In the history of Skobelevsky committee there are insufficiently studied pages. So, for example, still not only it is not counted up, even approximately, number of the films released by committee, but its activities for hire of domestic and foreign films aren't reflected also. Moreover, many researchers still consider that the committee began production of own films only after official opening of military and cinema department of committee in March, 1914. For the first time archivists doubted these conclusions, when it became clear that the film of Skobelevsky committee “Opening of the Tavrizsky railway” was shot more than a month before this date - at the end of January, 1914.

Title of a film "Gymnastics by machines"

The cadet carries out demonstrative exercise. Film "Gymnastics by machines"

Search appeared difficult, but very productive. In the course of research some films were collected from separate fragments and restored in initial installation. However, as well as “Gymnastics by machines”, any of films isn't marked yet with a trade mark of committee, and an internal caption reminds fonts of other film firms in which laboratories copies were printed.

The cadet before barracks carries out demonstrative exercises on parallel bars. Film "Gymnastics by machines"

The film “A redoubt and ways of overcoming of wire entanglements” stored in archive wasn't registered, since in the book of the account and the old inventory was written down under the name “Military strengthening”. It revealed only when viewing intra archival “The directory of a caption” with heading “A redoubt full on one company”. Other film of committee was found by search of “Aiming of bridges”. Originally in the catalog on this subject the 14th and 18th series “Russian military chronicle” of the Skobelevsky committee, made appeared only during war in 1915. As the third issue of the magazine "Dark blue and phono" for 1913 represented the film “Construction of the pontoon bridge” in hire by firm of Br. A stalemate, instead of “Aiming of bridges”, it was unclear that to look for - the film about aiming of one or several bridges. Only when in “Stock of pictures of Skobelevsky committee” we found information on its films “Bridge aiming through Neva” (length 172 meters) and “L.Gv. The Saperny battalion - bridge aiming” (two copies - 175 and 210 meters), became clear, in what direction to continue searches.

Soldiers prepare a flooring for transition on a wire network during sham fight. Film “A redoubt and ways of overcoming of wire entanglements”

View of suspension bridge. Film “L.Gv. The Engineer battalion - bridge aiming”

Emperor Nicholas II seeing these bridges and doctrines, wrote down on July 29, 1913 in the diary: “Left at 9.35 in Ust-Izhorsky camp through Tsarskoye Selo to Kolpino in the wonderful hot morning. Arrived to 11 hours. Brigade maneuver consisted in attack of the strengthened position and a redoubt with all latest inventions. From the coast of Neva saw the end of aiming of the pontoon bridge. Had breakfast in L.Gv's tent. Sapernogo of a battalion”. In the diary for August 4 it is readable: “At 8.45 went through Tsarskoye Selo to Ust-Izhora, on foot passed on the pontoon bridge”.

View of ready pontoon bridge. Film “L.Gv. The Engineer battalion - bridge aiming”

Engineers on pontoon unloading from carriage. Film “L.Gv. The Engineer battalion - bridge aiming”

It is necessary to stop on such moment. In V.E. Vishnevsky’s directory there are two films shot by operator V.F.Gelgar which are ranked to committee conditionally is “Gatchina officer aviation school” and “Gymnastic exercises of cadets of the Pavlovsk military college”. During research we found out that “The Gatchina officer aviation school” to Skobelevsky committee of the relation has no, since in “The Yalta messenger” and "Kin magazine" the producer isn't specified not, and in “Stock of pictures of rolling cinema department of Skobelevsky educational committee” it appears in the section “Specific, bought from different firms”. As to “Gymnastic exercises of cadets of the Pavlovsk military college”, in "Stock"... this film doesn't appear, and in “The Yalta messenger” that is at all the name, and the film summary without the indication of manufacturing firm. Therefore it is impossible to exclude that all is a question of the same film “Gymnastics by machines”. Thus, it was possible to establish that the Skobelevsky committee to the middle of summer of 1913 made not less than eight documentary films.

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