The Gosplan role in agrarian policy formation and USSR agriculture development. Second half of the 1960th

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Shevelkov A.I.

The Gosplan role in agrarian policy formation and USSR agriculture development. Second half of the 1960th


In this article on the basis of the declassified archival documents and on the documents, that aren’t entered into a scientific turn, materials of plenums of the Central Committee of CPSU the role of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in formation of an agrarian policy of the state, development of agriculture of the country in the second half of the 1960th is considered.


Archival documents, sources, agrarian policy, agricultural production, N. Baibakov.

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About the authors

Shevelkov Anatoly Ivanovich - associate professor of the Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute, PhD in History, associate professor, Kolomna; 8-905-560-11-01; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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