5th the All-Russia congress of the Russian society of historians-archivists (ROIA)


On March, 16th 2011 in Moscow begins work 5th All-Russia congress of the Russian society of historians-archivists (ROIA). The Venue – the Russian state humanitarian university (RGGU, Chajanov street, 15). The Russian society of historians-archivists - the public organization called actively to promote to formation of a civil society in our country, to perfection of archival branch to protect the professional both civil rights and interests of archival workers, to achieve objectivity of historical researches. Not casually in it historians, archivists and all, who responsibility for destiny of historical memory of the country and the people, a treasury of national consciousness have united and have rallied. Representatives of the Russian and foreign public organizations take part in congress work, archival and scientific institutions, museums and libraries, historical and humanitarian faculties of high schools, mass-media, of regional studies and search associations more than 150 delegates representing about 100 regional branches, representations, the primary organizations of the majority of subjects of the Russian Federation. With the report of Main board of ROIA on work from April, 2006 till March, 2011 the chairman of the board of Main board of ROIA the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Efim Iosifovich Pivovar acts.

Delegates of congress should give an assessment of works of bodies ROIA in the center and in regions, to analyse activity of sections and associations, to take measures on increase of authority on historical community of the publication – russian historic-archival journal "Herald of an archivist", to make amendments to the Society Charter, to confirm new supervising structure ROIA, to define work prospects on the forthcoming fifth anniversary. The Russian society of historians-archivists created at Constituent congress of Main board on November, 12-13th, 1990, has proclaimed a course on rallying of archivists, historians, документоведов, workers of museums and libraries, writers, teachers, regional specialists, clergy, representatives of mass media and other trades to compensate insufficient attention of official structures in the conditions of crisis. As a result the public has brought the important contribution to formation of a basis for development of archival business and a historical science in new conditions. 125 delegates, 30 members of preparatory committee have taken part in congress work and more than 50 visitors representing public organizations, archival and scientific institutions, departments of manuscripts of museums and libraries, humanitarian faculties of high schools, the press, of regional studies and other interested organizations and departments of all regions of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to carry to number of founders of public organization historian-medievista Shchapov , archivist-expert Stegantsev, the organizer of archival business Tjuneev. Their personal and professional qualities precisely corresponded to a turning-point which worried the country and employees of archival branch. Behind them creative, initiative colleagues who generously imparted experience have gone, directed constructive offers, and then formed directing bodies of ROIA in the center and organized the primary organizations on places.

For 20 years ROIA has convincingly proved the viability and necessity. Collecting and storing documentary memory of the sort, of genetic roots, of the small native land - as it was done by the formed part of the Russian society for a long time, - the rising generation with respect for documentary memory of parents (irrespective of a kind of data carriers - traditional or electronic, written or audiovisual) since a youth will join Fatherland history. In the long term – increase of role of ROIA in the course of education of "archival soul" in the person of an information society. C it not to consult to the state. Only ROIA, for example, under force to embody in a reality idea that education of respect for archive and a trade of the archivist needs to be begun in a family. It, in our opinion, also is that starting point in which it is close the humanitarian technologies directed on preservation of continuity of culture and harmonization of relations in a present society – both in national, and in global scales. For the accounting period, it was marked in the report, many regional branches and representations, the organizations in federal archives have spent considerable work on activization of activity of ROIA. Under the initiative and with participation of members of ROIA the considerable number of scientifically-practical conferences, methodical seminars, round tables with wide representation of the interested organizations is spent, are published documents and methodical grants. The society promotes development of research works in archival establishments both at federal level, and in subjects of the Russian Federation. However, the lecturer hasn'ted, not always archival bodies listened to society recommendations, and organizations ROIA didn't show due persistence in their realization. It is a little made in respect of protection of interests of historians-archivists. ROIA was and remains a unique tribune for formation of continuity of different generations, a writing of annals of domestic archival business, history of mutual relations of the person, a society, and the state.

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