Sources of tercentennial jubilee of the Romanovs’ dynasty: source study analys


Limanova S.A.

Sources of tercentennial jubilee of the Romanovs’ dynasty: source study analys


A lot of different sources remained after splendid festivities of the Romanov dynasty tercentennial jubilee. After the 1917 revolution some of them were intentionally destroyed by the bolsheviks, still a great deal survived. The article represents an ultimate classification of sources (written, audiovisual, material, urbanistic) and develops themes based on these materials.


Source, the Romanovs’ dynasty, jubilee, tercentenary, tercentennial jubilee of the House of Romanov, Nickolas II, collective memory, festivities, ceremonial, sources, classification

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About the authors

Limanova Svetlana Andreevna - junior researcher at the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ARAS), a graduate student at the Faculty of History at The Moscow State University, Moscow; 8-906-782-06-15; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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