Publication of archival documents

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 Religious Politics of the State and the Revival of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Days of the Great Patriotic War: A Case-Study of the Molotov Region Fedotova I.Ju. 45
2 Document as an Element of the Information Environment of Society Mazur L.N. 230
3 The Reports of Academician J.A. Guldenstadt in the Fonds of the Central State Archive of the Republic of Daghestan Manyshev S.B. 249
4 Materials of the A.A. Nikonov Personal Provenance Fond from the Russian State Archive of Economy as a Source for Studying the Agribusiness Management System in the USSR Garkusha E.A. 181
5 Glimpses of History of Strategic Air Defence of the Interior during the Great Patriotic War Sharonin D.A. 336
6 Papers of the Archive of the Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History Nikonorova T.N. 641
7 Evacuation and Re-evacuation of Population, Organizations, Agencies, and Industries of the Ulyanovsk Region in 1941–1945: Based on Fonds of the State Archive of Ulyanovsk Region Makarova R.V., Romanova G.V. 718
8 Сharacter Study of Peasant, Priest and District Police Officer in World War I Period Skutnev A.V. 811
9 The First World War in the Documents of the Central State Archive of the Moscow Region Dumenko O.E. 600
10 Ego-Document as Regional Archive Data Resource on the History of World War I (1914–1918) Petrova I.S. 825