Compulsory Resolutions of the City Dumas as a Source on Rule-Making Activities of the Local Self-Government in 1870s-1890s: A Case-Study of Western Siberia

УДК 94(571.1)340
Alexander B. Khramtsov, Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Compulsory Resolutions of the City Dumas as a Source on Rule-Making Activities of the Local Self-Government in 1870s-1890s: A Case-Study of Western Siberia
In article assesses such historical sources as compulsory resolutions of the City Dumas in Western Siberia for 1870s-1890s and provides a content analysis and systematization. Many documents are introduced into scientific use for the first time. The information basis of the article is constituted by the archival fonds of the city self-government agencies from the city archives of the Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Tyumen regions. The main method of the research is content analysis of similar documents texts. To identify similarities and specifics the author uses methods of analogy and comparative analysis. The article establishes that complexes of compulsory resolutions of the City Dumas constituted a statutory regulation system in public and economic life of the towns. Compulsory resolutions contained detailed implementation requirements that made any additional standards unnecessary. It takes a note of similar structure, systematicity and comparability of compulsory resolutions. And yet content analysis finds dissimilitude in regulations and their requirements that took into account some local specifics. The article demonstrates that the number of legal acts passed by the dumas gradually increased, nature of policy-making changed, sphere of legal regulation at the local level extended, turning from small matters to crucial social and economic problems, such as fighting epidemics, ensuring public and fire safety, supplying the population with products and goods, developing social infrastructure, setting rates of labour and time off for workers and employees, etc. By 1890s the city self-government bodies of the region had developed and put into operation a rather comprehensive package of compulsory regulations. However, the citizens violated these requirements. Overall, the complex of compulsory resolutions of the City Dumas had certainly promoted the development of local economy and had civilized the daily life of the Siberian towns. The official nature of the regulations leaves no doubt in their being mandatory for the citizens. Systematicity of the Duma regulations, their consistency and complementarity were of crucial importance. Similarity of functional tasks and composition of the city self-government bodies accounts for uniformity of their regulations. Though, as seen in the analyses, it did not mean that regulations of different towns had the same content, contrariwise, they demonstrate some local specifics.
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Sources, archival documents, compulsory resolutions, rule-making, city duma, local self-government bodies, municipal economy, governor.
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About authors
Alexander B. Khramtsov, PhD in History, associate professor, Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russian Federation, +7-919-938-19-78, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 15.03.2017, published:
KHRAMTSOV, A. B. Obyazatel'nye postanovleniya gorodskikh dum kak istochnik o normotvorcheskoi deyatel'nosti organov mestnogo samoupravleniya v 1870-1890-e gg. po materialam Zapadnoi Sibiri [Compulsory resolutions of the City Dumas as a source on rule-making activities of the local self-government in 1870s-1890s: A case-study of Western Siberia. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an archivist, 2017, no. 2, pp. 25-37.