Fond of the Belarusian Partisan Movement Headquarters (BSPD): Its Formation, Composition, and Usage. Documents from the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus: To the 75th Anniversary of the BSPD Creation
УДК 94(476):930.253
Svyatoslav V. Kulinok
Belarusian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus
Fond of the Belarusian Partisan Movement Headquarters (BSPD): Its Formation, Composition, and Usage. Documents from the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus: To the 75th Anniversary of the BSPD Creation
The article studies circumstances and process of formation of the archival fond of the Belarusian partisan movement headquarters, its composition, its documents classification and information value. Fond no. 1450 of the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus is one of the largest collections on the history of partisan movement in the former Soviet Union. It includes documents of partisan groups, detachments and teams, as well as their governing bodies - Central and Belarusian partisan movement headquarters and their outposts. Documentary sources reflect combat, sabotage, and intelligence activities of the BSSR partisans in the days of the Great Patriotic War; problems of material and technical support; socio-economic status of the occupied territory of Belarus (occupation regime, economic and fiscal policy, circumstances of the population under occupation, condition of industry and agriculture); aspects of collaboration (activities of military and civilian bodies, organizations, associations and formations). They demonstrate the struggles and the heroism of the Belarusian people during the war, as well as the invaders’ crimes that were committed on the Belarusian land. The research uses an array of general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative and system analysis), as well as special historical methods (historical-genetic, historical and comparative, historical and system analysis). A comprehensive analysis of this significant document corpus, which includes papers of partisan units and their governing bodies, has been conducted. Documents have been systematized and classified; the classification reflects a considerable diversity of the fond materials. Results of the work are of some archeographical significance, and can be used to compile and publish documents, prepare textbooks, lectures; the more interesting documents can be exhibited.
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National Archive of the Republic of Belarus, fond, Belarus partisan movement headquarters, historical source, document.
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About author
Svaytoslav V. Kulinok, PhD in History, Belarusian State Archives of Scientific and Technical Documentation, head of the department of information and use of documents, Republic of Belarus, +7-10-375-17-249-28-94, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 12.05.2017, published:
KULINOK, S. V. Fond Belorusskogo shtaba partizanskogo dvizheniya: formirovanie, sostav, ispol'zovanie. Po dokumentam Natsional'nogo arkhiva Respubliki Belarus'. K 75-letiyu sozdaniya BShPD [Fond of the Belarusian partisan movement headquarters (BSPD): Its formation, composition, and usage. Documents from the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus: To the 75th Anniversary of the BSPD Creation. In Russ.] Vestnik arhivista – Herald of an Archivist, 2017, no. 3, pp. 84-98.