The Documentary Heritage on the Central State Restoration Works as a Source of the 1920s Crimean Studies History

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DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2019-1-114-125

Andrey A. Nepomnyashchy, Dmitry A. Lomakin

V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russian Federation

The Documentary Heritage on the Central State Restoration Works as a Source of the 1920s Crimean Studies History


Relying on the analysis of materials stored at the Central State Archive of the City of Moscow, the authors have reconstructed the history of protection and preservation of the Genoese monuments in Sudak (South-Eastern Crimea) in 1925–26. The authors have studied the activities of the Crimean Department for Museum Affairs and Protection of Works of Art, Monuments of Antiquity, Nature Landmarks, and Folk Life Heritage and those of the Chief Directorate for Research, Scientific-Artistic and Museum Institutions (Glavnauka) in the sphere of preservation of the peninsula cultural heritage in 1920s. Various types of archival documents in the fond of the Central State Restoration Works (TsGPM, fond R-1) have been analyzed to draw a comprehensive picture of the difficulties of field studies and “office fighting” for preserving architectural and archaeological sites of the city: minutes of meetings (first of all, meetings of the Commission for the Protection of Crimean Monuments and the Restoration Sub-Department of the Glavnauka’s Museum Department); reports on the inspection of the grounds of the Genoese Fortress in Sudak, memoranda and epistolary documents (A. A. Fomin’s and A. I. Polkanov’s letters to F. N. Petrov are of prime importance). The authors have systematized and summarized the contribution of such distinguished researchers in the field of the Crimean antiquities protection as A. S. Bashkirov, P. I. Hollandsky, E. F. Karpovich, A. I. Polkanov, N. D. Protasov, and A. A. Fomin. They have summed up the results of the initial stage of the formation of the Soviet state monument protection system in the city and area, which aimed at comprehensive protection of the cultural heritage sites, their restoration, and preservation. The authors underscore the importance of the Central State Restoration Workshops fond from the Central State Archive of Moscow for recreating multi-faceted picture of formation and development of the state system for protection of monuments in the Crimea in mid-1920s. It has been established that the activities of the TsGPM in studying the monuments of the peninsula, although of great significance, are poorly reflected in national historiography. Only some aspects of the Workshops activities have been reconstructed in the scientific research of the Crimean authors (D. A. Lomakin, A. A. Nepomnyashchiy, A. V. Khlivnyuk).


Historical sources, archival documents, Museum Department of the Glavnauka, Crimea, Sudak, cultural heritage, monument protection activity, Crimean Department for Museum Affairs and Protection of Works of Art, Monuments of Antiquity, Nature Landmarks and Folk Life Heritage.

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About authors

Nepomnyashchiy Andrey Anatolievich, PhD in History, professor, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, head of the department of historical regional studies and local history, Russian Federation, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Lomakin Dmitriy Anatolievich, PhD in History, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, researcher, Russian Federation, +7-9787088054, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Grant information

This work has been conducted within the base section of the government assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, no. 33.5763.2017/BCh on the topic “The Russian Empire and the Crimea: Main Aspects, Concepts, and Notions.”

Submitted 20.04.2018, published (for citation):

NEPOMNYASHCHY, A. A. LOMAKIN, D. A. Dokumental'noe nasledie Tsentral'nykh gosudarstvennykh restavratsionnykh masterskikh – istochnik po istorii izucheniya Kryma v 1920-e gg. [The Documentary Heritage on the Central State Restoration Works as a Source of the 1920s Crimean Studies History. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2019, no. 1, pp. 114-125. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2019-1-114-125

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