Documents of the Revolutionary Events Participant G. P. Permyakov in the Merged Personal Provenance Fond from the State Archive of Socio-Political History of the Tyumen Region
УДК 94(47)+94(571.12)
DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2019-1-259-269
Irina V. Skipina, Vladimir V. Moskovkin
Tyumen, Tyumen State University, Russian Federation
Documents of the Revolutionary Events Participant G. P. Permyakov in the Merged Personal Provenance Fond from the State Archive of Socio-Political History of the Tyumen Region
The possibility to preserve historical memory by transmitting information from one generation to another in contemporaries’ perception of the events does not lose its relevance today. On the basis of personal provenance sources this article demonstrates the evolution G. P. Permyakov’s views. G.P. Permyakov was a hero of the Revolution and the Civil War; at first an ardent Bolshevik, he later became more restrained in assessing revolutionary changes. The life of G.P. Permyakov is reflected in his diary notes, correspondence with friends, memoirs, and autobiographical data, which allow both to reconstruct the events with great accuracy and to see how contemporaries’ views changed over time, whether their expectations were fulfilled in the Soviet time. Materials of G. Permyakov’s personal provenance fond stored in the State Archive of Social and Political History of the Tyumen Region provide an opportunity to enrich collective memory which presently draws more on institutional, rather than individual experience. The G.P. Permyakov’s collection is quite unique, as it includes materials related to different periods of his life. The 1920s documents are permeated with enthusiasm for the success of the revolution and hopes for a better future. There are no materials from 1930s to the first half of the 1950s in the collection, as during that time he did not carry on his correspondence with friends. The correspondence only resumed during the preparation for the 40th anniversary of the revolution. In the second half of 1950s a new assessment of the revolution and the Civil War appeared in G. Permyakov’s manuscripts. It clearly shows his disappointment in the results of the Soviet state construction. Information value of the G.P. Permyakov’s collection comes from materials from different periods of his life with theirs varying assessments. This allows researchers to approach understanding of large-scale historical events from the perspective of an individual.
Personal provenance sources, archival documents, October Revolution of 1917, Civil War, archive
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About authors
Skipina Irina Vasilevna, PhD in History, associate professor, Tyumen State University, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Sciences, acting head of the department of documentation and records management, Tyumen, Russian Federation, +7-912-992-45-46, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Moskovkin Vladimir Vasilevich, PhD in History, associate professor, Tyumen State University, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Sciences, national history department, рrofessor, Tyumen, Russian Federation, +7-922-076-26-82, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 12.03.2018, published (for citation):
SKIPINA, I. V., MOSKOVKIN, V. I. Dokumenty uchastnika revolyutsionnykh sobytii G. P. Permyakova v sostave ob"edinennogo fonda lichnogo proiskhozhdeniya Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva sotsial'no-politicheskii istorii Tyumenskoi oblasti [Documents of the Revolutionary Events Participant G. P. Permyakov in the Merged Personal Provenance Fond from the State Archive of Socio-Political History of the Tyumen Region. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2019, no. 1, pp. 259-269. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2019-1-259-269