Sources for Studying of the Local Government in Siberia in the 18th - Early 20th Century: Historical and Source Studies Themes
УДК 94(47)
DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2020-2-355-367
Igor A. Konovalov
Omsk State University, Omsk, Russian Federation
Sources for Studying of the Local Government in Siberia in the 18th - Early 20th Century: Historical and Source Studies Themes
Increased interest in the local government history is associated not just with the necessity to peer into the past, but also with purely practical needs. While returning to forgotten traditions, it is important to take into account the heritage of centuries. Today, we need to take a fresh look at well-known facts, to cast away old delusions and myths, and to prevent the emergence of new ones. Theoretical basis of the paper is such methods as historicism, objectivity, alternativeness; they allow an unbiased approach to the analysis of the problems and a critical attitude towards the sources. The methodology includes the use of means and methods of local, systemic, problem-chronological, and comparative historical methods, as well as the development of a “new imperial history.” The paper systematizes sources on formation and development of the local government in Siberia in the Imperial period. The following groups of sources are highlighted: regulatory and legal acts; documents of management and record keeping; statistical materials; periodicals; sources of personal provenance. There is regional specificity in the content and structure of sources. The sources characterize the history of local government in Siberia in the 18th - early 20th century, wherein personal, socio-political, and departmental conflicts played an important role. The article attempts to show the role and place of the general police in the local government of pre-revolutionary Siberia and to analyze the main sources on the subject. It focuses on structure, nature, organizational and legal problem of the local government in Siberia in the 18th - early 20th century.
History of Siberia, historical source, power, local government, administration, mandate, national policy.
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About author
Konovalov Igor Anatolievich, PhD of History, associate professor, Omsk State University, assistant professor, Omsk, Russian Federation, +7-913-644-10-06, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 15.05.2019, published (for citation):
KONOVALOV, I. A. Istochniki po izucheniyu mestnogo upravleniya v Sibiri v XVIII – nachale XX v.: konkretno-istoricheskie i istochnikovedcheskie syuzhety [Sources for Studying of the Local Government in Siberia in the 18th - Early 20th Century: Historical and Source Studies Themes. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2020, no. 2, pp. 355-367. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2020-2-355-367