Socio-Economic Development of the South-Western Uezds of the Vyatka Gubernia in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Century in Documents from the Central State Archive of the Kirov Region

УДК 94(47)+94(470.342)
DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2020-3-875-887
Alexander S. Korepanov
Central State Archive of the Kirov Region, Kirov, Russian Federation
Socio-Economic Development of the South-Western Uezds of the Vyatka Gubernia in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Century in Documents from the Central State Archive of the Kirov Region
This article analyzes main collections of archival documents from the Central State Archive of the Kirov Region that reflect the economic and social sphere of life of the South-Western uezds of the Vyatka gubernia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century. The post-reform years were the period of most active economic development of the Vyatka gubernia and also of relative social stability, which ended with the outbreak of the First World War. During this period, a significant archival complex was accumulated, which allows us to study the most diverse aspects of life, both in the gubernia and in its uezds. As a result of the study, it has been established that most documents on the issue are concentrated in the archival fonds of the Vyatka Gubernia Statistical Committee, institutions of the gubernia and uezd zemstvo and city self-government. Among them are statistical materials, which permit to identify trends and dynamics of various economic and social indicators and to establish the place of the South-Western uezds in the gubernia. Reporting documentation is illustrative of the activities of various gubernia and uezd organizations and its results. Estimate documentation characterizes financial and economic activities of various institutions, including bodies of zemstvo and city self-government. Documents on personnel make it possible to study the life of various figures of zemstvo and city self-government, to form a more complete picture of them, peculiarities of their formation, life path. The protocol documentation of zemstvo and city self-government bodies contains information on the life of the gubernia and its uezds, on the work of zemstvo and city institutions. The analysis of the documents from the Central State Archive of the Kirov Region provides a fairly broad picture of the various aspects of economic and social life of the South-Western uezds of the Vyatka gubernia in the second half of the 19th and early 20th century.
Central State Archive of the Kirov Region, socio-economic development, statistics, reports, protocols, estimates, personnel.
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About author
Korepanov Alexander Sergeevich, Central State Archive of the Kirov Region, department of use of government archival documents, leading archivist, Vyatka State University, department of history and political sciences, graduate student, Kirov, Russian Federation, +7-963-885-12-59, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 28.01.2019, published (for citation):
KOREPANOV, A. S. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoe razvitie yugo-zapadnykh uezdov Vyatskoi gubernii vo vtoroi polovine XIX – nachale XX v. v dokumentakh Tsentral'nogo gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Kirovskoi oblasti [Socio-Economic Development of the South-Western Uezds of the Vyatka Gubernia in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Century in Documents from the Central State Archive of the Kirov Region. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2020, no. 3, pp. 875-887. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2020-3-875-887