Personal Provenance Fond of the Historian V.I. Tomarev in the State Archive of the Volgograd Region

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Petrova I.S.,

Volgograd, Russian Federation

Personal Provenance Fond of the Historian V.I. Tomarev in the State Archive of the Volgograd Region


The article reviews composition and content of the documents in the personal provenance fond of the historian Viktor Ivanovich Tomarev, a specialist in the early 20th century Russian history, a scrupulous and enthusiastic scientist and a great person. Documents in the personal provenance fonds are a unique information source on the provenance department development and individual contributions in the region’s development and due to this the research is considered to be of great significance. Historical information of this type belong to one of the most valuable groups of retrospective documental data. Unlike official documentation, personal provenance documents reflect individual traits of a person, show their impact on the development of an institute, characterize the dramatic events of their life journey. V.I. Tomarev’s biography is full of dramatic events and meetings with the interesting people of his time. A number of materials from the personal provenance fond of V.I. Tomarev are worthwhile sources on everyday history, on revolutionary events in Tsaritsyn and on the evolution of area studies in the Volgograd region for any contemporary historical research. Historical sources of the personal provenance fond are still mostly unstudied. The article systemizes information on the scientist and on all the materials deposited in his fond. The author covers milestones in the biography of V.I. Tomarev and characterizes type and content of the documents.


Archival source, V.I. Tomarev, Lower Volga Region, history, personal provenance fond, archive of the Volgograd Region.

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1. Mohov E.A. Tomarev V.I. // Kalach-na-Donu: jenciklopedija. Volgograd, 2010. S. 281–282.

2. Tomarev V.I. // Stalingradskaja bitva. Ijul' 1942 g.–fevral' 1943: jenciklopedija. Volgograd, 2010. S. 566–567.

3. Judina T.V., Tjumencev I.O. K jubileju Viktora Ivanovicha Tomareva [Marking the Anniversary of Victor Tomarev] // Strezhen': Nauchnyj ezhegodnik. Vyp. 3. Volgograd, 2003. S. 352.

About the authors

Petrova Irina Sergeevna, PhD in History, The State Archive of the Volgograd Region, head specialist, Russian Federation, Volgograd, 8-904-756-76-46, 8-844-230-99-10, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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