Documents of the Automobile Department of the Moscow Soviet in 1917–1918 from the Central State Archive of the Moscow Region
| 07 March 2021
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Archival funds and collections
УДК 94(470).093.2
Aksyutin Y.V.,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Documents of the Automobile Department of the Moscow Soviet in 1917–1918 from the Central State Archive of the Moscow Region
The article analyses documents from the fond of the Moscow Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies stored in the Central State Archive of the Moscow Region related to the activities of the said revolutionary body, those managing transport and communication services in particular. In March – February 1917 the Automobile Department, which so recently had been under the jurisdiction of the City Duma, came over to the Moscow Revolutionary Committee and on March 6, 1917 on the assumption that “current historical moment set forward an urgent and almost sole task of organizing worker masses and democratization” and with a view to protect “our organization from the onsurge of bourgeois parties and unions” the general meeting of its executive bureau and all sub-department heads decided in a unanimous vote “to assume the title of the Automobile Department of the Moscow Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies and to come under management of the Soviet of Workers’ Deputies with an internal code of conduct of its own.” A department head informed the Executive Commission of the Soviet of the decision. The Soviet, having learned of the decision, accepted it and sent a member “for guiding role.” Those days in Moscow, when there was fighting between the Soviets and Provisionary Government combatants, were far from ideal for any record-keeping routine and there are hardly any documents on the Automobile Department activities left. But documents drafted by the victors in the immediate aftermath allow form a clear view of the events.
Source, archive, Bolsheviks, compulsory automotive service, orders for use of automobiles, requisition, confiscation, Moscow Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, Moscow сentral transport сommittee(MTsTK), F.Е. Dzerzhinsky, V. P. Nogin, A. P. Rosengolts, A. I. Rykov, L. P. Serebryakov, P. G. Smidovich, L. M., Khinchuk
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About the author
Aksyutin Yurij Vasilievich, PhD in History, professor at the Moscow State Regional University, Moscow, Russian Federation, +7-495-688-71-95, +7-903-132-82-44, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it