| 10 October 2023
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Archival funds and collections
Bel'kov V.I., Kosarev L.E., Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kuzbass archival services: pages of history
In the article, on the basis of the documents stored in the State archive of the Kemerovo region and other sources and literatures, are considered questions of 70-years history of creation, development and progress of Kuzbass archival service. The special attention is given to the critical periods of Kuzbass archival service – its creation (40 – 50th) and restructing (90th of 20th century). Methodological basis of the work is the theory of scientific knowledge of outward things. This basis give an objective picture of studied object. This theory has received popularity entitled theoretical and methodological synthesis. For the first time in a scientific turn are entered not published sources of history of archival management and the largest regional archive - the State archive of the Kemerovo region. In research are noted the basic stages of formation of the archival funds. Objective of research and problems of this work – study of 70-years history of Kuzbass archival services and the biggest archive of region – the State archive of the Kemerovo region. Now at availability in region of enough big network of archives (4 state and 36 municipal), in it is stored more than 80% of state documents and more than 55% of the state and municipal archives of region. The State archive of the Kemerovo region was and still remains a head centre of science-methodical for all archival organizations and departments in territory of Kuzbass. Since 2012 in archive conduct work on numeralization of archival documents. In this article reflection all picture of archival business progress in Kuzbas.
State archives of the Kemerovo region, municipal archives, history of archival service, archival documents, funds of archives, publication of archival documents and scientific publications.
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About the authors
Bel'kov Vitalij Ivanovich, the candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer, senior researcher at the State treasury institution of the Kemerovo region “the State Archive of the Kemerovo Region”, 8-905-965-8409, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Kosarev Leonid Evgen'evich, сhief archivist of State treasury institutions of the Kemerovo region “the State Archive of the Kemerovo Region”, 8-923-612-6906, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it