Adventures of Italians in Russia. Features of visiting by foreigners of military settlements of the russian empire in xix century under documents of the russian state military-historical archive

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Annotation / Аннотация
Military settlements in Russia in XIX-th century have been closed for Russian and foreigners, any occurrence there the last caused fast reaction of a management of military settlements, finishing of the information on their occurrence to the emperor, and also an establishment behind them shadowing.
Военные поселения в России в XIX в. были закрыты для русских и иностранцев, любое появление там последних вызывало быструю реакцию руководства военных поселений, доведении информации об их появлении до императора, а также установление за ними слежки.

Keywords / Ключевые слова
Archives, military settlements, Italians in Russia, Novgorod, III Branch of the Russian empire. Архивы, военные поселения, итальянцы в России, Новгород, III е.и.в. отделение Российской империи.

In the XIX-th century the system of military settlements of the Russian empire was closed for the most part of Russian and foreign citizens. Only separate high-ranking foreigners were supposed in settlements on “the highest command” and it is obligatory with persons accompanying them from among the lodged administration. It is necessary to notice also that trips of foreign representatives special “Inspection routine” was accurately regulated and made even.

As doctor I.I. Evropeus recollected serving in district of settlement of the King of the Prussian regiment (the Novgorod military settlements): “Annually, especially in the summer, there came the accredited persons; were present, as was found, at first on parade, then carried them everywhere, showed church, an arena, cadet school, hospital, a farm, officer a wing and the general for them a dining room”. A little business with "private soldiers" if so it is possible to be expressed by foreigners differently was.

On June, 15th, 1839 to Staraya Russa from Novgorod there has arrived “the captain of service of its majesty of the King Sardinian” count Charles де Kinsenet.

In the official report from July, 22nd, 1839 Ф. К von Fricken informed P.A. Klejnmihel that “the count de Kinsenet has arrived to Staraya Russa on June, 15th and has left on June, 19th. It with anybody was not familiar, did not leave anywhere and was engaged in nothing”. The desire to spend time with not which madam Galler and count Lui de Torrini was the reason of its arrival to this city”.

He gave out himself the cousin of count Torrini who has arrived to Staraya Russa together with Madam Galler, several days before Kinsenet. Madam Galler, nee countess Broglio, and her mother from a surname of princes of Golitsyn. She after arrival to Staraya Russa, at the requirement from it data, declared that she the wife of the collegiate adviser but where its husband serves and where has a residence, it at all does not know, because two a year does not receive from it any news.

For these two foreigners who have moved in August, 1839 to Moscow, III branch of imperial chancellery continued to watch. And. Century of office. And, as it was marked in the official report operating III branch L.V. Dubelt P. A. Kleinmichel, К De Kinsenet “coming to Russia is unique for the pleasure, has gone on August, 5th to Warsaw”, and L.Torrini, “being nowadays in Moscow in the house of count Broglio, assumes, as is audible, to marry the niece of the countess, possibly collegiate adviser Galler as will soon receive the permission on divorce asked by it with its husband. In “behaviour and a way of life, both count Kinseneta, and count Torrini of anything reprehensible and deserving especial attention it is not noticed”, did L.V. Dubelt conclusion.

As a whole, as show the revealed archival documents, to these foreigners visiting of the city, subordinated was not forbidden military department. At the same time their occurrence there without the knowledge of the higher heads has caused fast reaction from outside managements of the military settlements, expressed in an immediate information transfer about their occurrence on instances and its finishing to the emperor, and also finding-out of the reasons of arrival to Staraya Russa two foreign submitted and an establishment behind them shadowing.