The state structures activity analysis on safety of border of the Russian empire in Central Asia. 1860-1917
| 22 March 2011
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Annotation / Аннотация
This article is devoted to the analysis of sources of studying of activity of state structures on safety of border of the Russian empire in Central Asia (1860-1917). The complex of sources is presented by the published documents, archival materials, memoirs and a reference books.
В статье анализируются источники изучения деятельности государственных органов по обеспечению безопасности границы Российской империи в Средней Азии (1860-1917 гг.). Источниковая база исследования представлена как опубликованными документами, так и архивными материалами, мемуарами и справочными изданиями.
Keywords / Ключевые слова
Russian empire, Central Asia, China, Afghanistan, Persia, War Ministry, Ministry of Finance. Российская империя, Средняя Азия, Китай, Афганистан, Персия, Военное министерство, Министерство финансов.
The major question for any country and its people - a border establishment, preservation of territorial integrity of the state. Formation of frontier of the Russian empire in the Central Asia which has begun in 1860 was difficult process. This process was influenced by economic, political, ethnographic, historical and military factors. In Central Asia the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Finance were engaged in border safety. Therefore historical experience of activity of state structures on safety of frontier of the Russian empire in Central Asia, certainly, is claimed and demands profound research.
The author has solved these problems: the domestic and foreign historiography is analysed; features of formation of border of the Russian empire in the Central Asian region are investigated; historical experience of activity of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Finance on safety of frontier of the Russian empire in Central Asia is studied and generalized; conclusions and the practical recommendations which use will promote acceptance of optimum administrative decisions on safety of frontier of the Russian Federation in the nearest and remote prospect are formulated.
Chronological frameworks of research are defined by the period 1860 - 1917. In 1860 the Peking contract has been concluded. The border of the Russian empire in Central Asia has received the legal fastening. In 1917 Russian empire has stopped the existence. Base of sources: the published documents, materials of the Russian archives, memoirs and spravochno-statistical editions.
The practical importance of research: conclusions of the author can be used at designing of the standard legal certificates, concerning safety of frontier of the Russian Federation.
The analysis of historical experience of activity of state structures on safety of border of the Russian empire in Central Asia allows to draw these conclusions:
The territory of our state is a historical heritage of the Russian people, and its main riches. It is impossible to risk territory. It is impossible to lose territory. When Russia confidently and consistently moved ahead deep into Central Asia, establishing the frontier on natural boundaries and when the world clearly saw the Russian will, the western public opinion found enough weighty and pragmatic arguments to reconcile and calm down.
The good sample of structure of safety of border of Russia in the Central Asian region is district 7 of OKPS. It was the structure of boundary department. In 1899 it was it is formed as the armed force. District 7 of OKPS was result of long search of decisions. It was a result of numerous tests and the errors admitted by them in aspiration to create the most effective military organization on safety of frontier of the Russian empire in Central Asia.
For effective safety of border of the Russian empire in Central Asia has been defined the way of protection of border – agenturno-sentry (operatively-army). In the Russian empire was formulated the way of safety of border always by its military-political management that in the subsequent defined necessary structure of forces and means of boundary department. In the beginning of XX century management ОKPS well represented that secret-service activity on safety of frontier of the Russian empire is effective only in that case when its sentry component is strong.
Divisions for border protection were formed by an ex-territorial principle, with the minimum attraction of local residents. It has led to deterioration of safety of border, bribery and corruption among civilians from among local residents.