| 12 May 2010
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Genealogy. Russian and foreign experience
Annotation / Аннотация
Article is devoted creation history in Kursk area of a museum of outstanding Russian singer N.V.Plevitskaya in village Vinnikovo where she was born and where aspired, being in emigration. Charge by Plevitskaya in complicity to the husband in abduction of general E.K.Miller, head RОVSа, court over it - all it are opened by an exposition in which a number of photos is presented. The receipt on cooperation with ОGPU given by it and N.V.Skoblinym - was unique possibility to return home. The museum leaves impression of documentation and integrity.
Статья посвящена истории создания в Курской области музея выдающейся русской певицы Н.В. Плевицой в селе Винниково, где она родилась и куда стремилась, находясь в эмиграции. Обвинение Плевицой в пособничестве мужу в похищении генерала Е.К. Миллера, руководителя РОВСа, суд над нею – все это раскрывает экспозиция, в которой представлен ряд фотографий. Расписка о сотрудничестве с ОГПУ данная ею и Н.В. Скоблиным – была единственной возможностью вернуться на родину. Музей оставляет впечатление документальности и цельности.
Keywords / Ключевые слова
Plevitskaya N.V., Russian national songs, Russian abroad, ROVS, Skoblin N.V., E.K.Miller's abduction.
Плевицкая Н.В., русские народные песни, русское зарубежье, РОВС, Скоблин Н.В., похищение Е.К. Миллера
On November, 4th, 2009 has been in the village Vinnikovo of Kursk oblast N.V.Plevitskaya's museum solemnly opened. The outstanding Russian singer Plevitskaya was born to a peasant family in the village of Vinnikovo near Kursk. In that time of her life was the most remarkable for her participation in rural holidays and singing of songs together with peasants. Not without reason composer S.V.Rakhmaninov at the time of his meeting with Plevitskaya in the USA was delighted her singing of national songs. Therefore he has written and arranged song «Belolitsy, rumyanitsy, vy moi …».
Perhaps, Nadezhda Vasilevna was sincere in her books «Dezhkin karagod» and «My way with songs», left abroad in 1925 and 1930. In 1970 and 1974 were published in Soviet Union I.V.Nestyev's books «Star of Russian variety». These books in many respects devoted to N.V.Plevitskaya.The author though also much has not told, but was objective.
Unfortunately, in the 1990th and in the beginning of XXI century there was a set of frank hand-made articles. N.V.Plevitskaya was represented like spy and superspy. No, Nadezhda Vasilevna was not a superspy, russian Mata Hari. She loved Kolenka (Skoblin) and the native land. She helped N.V.Skoblin how she can, and no more that. She was first of all the singer, she did not anything understand in politics she did not collect (and did not transfer) any information to the Soviet investigation for N.V.Skoblin. He did not her informed in his work. 1996 has been of one of minor planets the name of Plevitskaya appropriated. It is a sign on respect not only for creativity of the singer, but also her love to the small Native land – to village Vinnikovo where she was born and where aspired, being in emigration.