| 06 August 2010
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Genealogy. Russian and foreign experience
Annotation / Аннотация
В статье исследуется социально-экономическая жизнь российской провинции рубежа ХIХ-ХХ вв. в контексте просветительной деятельности князя П.Л. Ухтомского, уроженца Свияжского уезда Казанской губернии. Учреждение им бесплатной читальни для крестьян в родовом имении, а также мастерских по обучению в осенне-зимний период крестьянских детей слесарному, кузнечному, сапожно-башмачному ремеслу характеризует его как мыслящую личность. Благие стремления, нравственные ориентиры в жизни являли пример гуманистического подвижничества и верного служения Отечеству. Источниковую базу составили неопубликованные документы, хранящиеся в Национальном архиве Республики Татарстан, а также материалы периодической печати рубежа ХIХ-ХХ вв.
Socio-economic life of the Russian province of the turn of the XIX- XX centuries is studied in the context of the educational and humane activity of the great Prince Ukhtomsky, who was born in a Sviazhsky uyezd of Kazan province. The establishment of free reading rooms for the peasants in the family estate, as well as workshops for training in the autumn-winter period peasant children metalwork, blacksmith, shoemaker craft described him as a thinking person. Good aspirations, moral orientation in life are an example of humanistic asceticism and faithful service to the Motherland. The scientific base of this work is made up from the unpublished documents, preserved in the National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Keywords / Ключевые слова
Биография, бесплатная народная читальня, просветительство, учебные мастерские, российская провинция. Free reading rooms, enlightenment, workshops, Russian province.
Activity of prince Pavel Leonidovich Ukhtomsky deserves serious consideration for its initiatives in educational sphere in the beginning of 1890th characterized it as the person not indifferent to destinies of the peasants, aspiring to raise their educational level and material well-being. Its fruitful activity for the good of edge and the people occupying it deserves deep respect and respect of contemporaries.
The employee of Office of the Kazan governor, P.L.Ukhtomsky actively participated in debate devoted to problems of economic development, life improvement of polytheistic people. He tried to realize the aspirations in practical affairs. In village Makulovo of Svijazhsky district of the Kazan province, in the entail property, prince P.L.Uhtomsky, the collegiate secretary, vowels, had been opened a free national reading room for the peasants which rules have been confirmed by the Kazan governor P.A.Poltoratsky (1842-1909) on November, 1892.
Supervision of P.L.Ukhtomsky's reading room the Kazan governor has been assigned on persons of educational and spiritual departments: on the inspector of national schools and the local priest. Duties of the librarian carried out more often the teacher of rural national schools. In a reading room of prince P.L.Ukhtomsky these functions were executed by his wife - Alexander Germanovna's who was carrying out on public principles a post of the assistant manager by a reading room the princess.
Opening of the educational center in a farmstead estate did not limit activity of prince P.L.Ukhtomsky. In 1893 it had been based an educational-craft workshop for country children for the purpose of maintenance to the population of village Makulovo of additional earnings during winter time. The former craft of peasants – carrying in connection with development of the railway, steamship and ferry communication - has lost the value.
In 1896 at the All-Russian handicraft-industrial exhibition the workshop of prince Ukhtomsky exhibited the products at Nizhny Novgorod and has received an award – the diploma of III degree. In the same 1896 following the results of work of an exhibition the workshop has been awarded great honor - presents to empress Alexander Fedorovna of one pair footwear – “bronze shoes on the atlas with the beaded embroidery, made on the sample from clothes of Its Majesty”.