Stepansky Alexander Davidovich

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Annotation / Аннотация
Obituary of A.D. Stepansky - an eminent historian, Professor of RSUH, Chief Editor of the “Herald of an Archivist”.
Некролог А.Д. Степанского – видного историка, профессора РГГУ, главного редактора журнала «Вестник архивиста».

Keywords / Ключевые слова
Archives, Stepansky A.D., RSUH, MGIAI, archeology, source, ROIA, «Herald of an Archivist». Ар-хивы, Степанский А.Д., РГГУ, МГИАИ, археография, источниковедение, РОИА, «Вестник ар-хивиста».

After a serious illness on December, 6th, 2009 there was no Alexander Davidovich Stepansky, gradu-ating the Moscow state historic-archival institute (MGIAI) 1957, one of the oldest professors of the Russian state humanitarian university (RSHU), many years heading magazine “Herald of an Archi-vist”.

Alexander Davidovich was born on October, 15th, 1934. After the graduating from institute his life has been connected with MGIAI though prior to the beginning of regular teaching activity he was in time worked as scientific employee in the Central state archive (CSA) RSFSR (nowadays GARF on Berezhkovsky quay), the senior archaeographer in the Main arhive of RSFSR, the chief of department of the Central state archive of a national economy (CGANH) the USSR.

All these years in an archival field it combined work with teaching, and after protection candidate dis-sertation in 1965 any more did not leave walls of native high school. For these years Alexander Da-vidovich has passed all steps of teaching service, becoming in 1983 (after protection doctor’s disserta-tion) the professor.

The visible expert in the field of an archaeography and a source study, Alexander Davidovich de-fended priorities of value of the maintenance in system of criteria of examination of documents, has brought important contribution to working out of theoretical and methodical bases of acquisition of state archives. Besides, he has taken active part in the organization of the Russian society of historians-archivists (ROIA), was a member of its Board, and also a member of several dissertation and scien-tific councils, editorial boards of some magazines. Besides, Alexander Davidovich fulfilled duties of the dean of faculty of the archival business MGIAI, ten years headed chair an archaeography. It the author almost three hundred scientific works. Till last day lives worked on chair of an archaeography of IAI RSHU, taught in a magistracy, prepared the new textbook on history for russian archaeography of ХХ century.

Alexander Davidovich was distinguished always by brilliant memory, the broadest erudition, kindness, delicacy, true intelligence, soft sense of humor, ability not only to speak, but also to listen, love to pupils and friends which he had a lot.

Teaching staff
Of The Historic-archival institute RGGU
Administration of the Main board
Of The Russian society of historians-archivists
Editorial board and edition
Of The Magazine “Herald of an Archivist”