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Nataliya G. Surovtseva
All-Russian Archival Science and Records Management Research Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation
Scientist of the 21st Century: 70th Anniversary of Mikhail Vasilievich Larin
The article is devoted to study and analysis of scientific works of M. V. Larin, who for more than 23 years directed the All-Russian Archival Science and Records Management Research Institute (VNIIDAD). The article reviews his earliest works on departmental agencies activities for improving state administration and records keeping in 1920s. This work, based on the study of archival documents (reports of the orgburos), concludes that a positive economic effect of improving state administration as a result of rationalization of records keeping is achievable, if supported nationwide. Later M.V. Larin addressed various aspects of document science and organization of paper work, yet always focusing on possible improvements by means of modern technologies. He studied researching and designing document support of management systems based on mechanization and automation of administrative work in 1980s. Later M. V. Larin analyzed methodology of information management and its applicability to paper work, which allowed introduction of records management in organizations. This research translated into M. V. Larin’s doctoral thesis and his monograph “Records management in organizations.” After the advent of e-documents M. V. Larin was among the first, who studied introducing electronic document flow and organizing e-documents storage in Russia and abroad. A number of now generally accepted principles for working with electronic documents in management were formulated then. At all times, when addressing improvement of paperwork management by means of recent developments in information technologies, M. V. Larin maintained that state regulation of records management, which provides a common information space for administrative system, is necessary.
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Record, e-document, information management, document support of management system, improvement of records keeping, records management.
LARIN, M. V. Dokumenty o deyatel'nosti vedomstvennykh organov ratsionalizatsii gosapparata v 1920-e gody [Records on activities of departmental agencies for state apparatus rationalization in 1920s. In Russ.]. IN: Sovetskie arkhivy, 1977, no. 4, pp. 68-72.
LARIN, M. V., MINGALEV, V. S. Sovremennye sistemy dokumentatsionnogo obespecheniya upravleniya [Modern document support of management systems. In Russ.]. Moscow, MGIAI publ., 1982, 99 p.
LARIN, M. V., BANASYUKEVICH, V. D., SOKOVA, A. N. Gosudarstvo i evolyutsiya sistem dokumentatsii. Nauchnyi otchet za 1996 g. [State and evolution of documentation systems. Scientific report for 1996. In Russ.]. Moscow, 2000, pp. 12-15. (SIF OTsNTI DR 210-2000).
LARIN, M. V. Upravlenie dokumentatsiei v organizatsiyakh [Records management in organizations]. Moscow, Nauchnaya kniga publ., 2002, 288 p.
LARIN, M. V. Garmoniya v mire dokumentov: illyuzii i real'nost' [Harmony in document world: Illusions and reality. In Russ.]. IN: Dokument. Arkhiv. Istoriya. Sovremennost'. Materialy VI mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii. - Ekaterinburg, 2-3 dekabrya 2016 g. [Record. Archives. History. Contemporaneity. Materials of VI International research-to-practice conference. Ekaterinburg, December 2-3, 2016. In Russ.]. Ekaterinburg, Izd-vo Ural. un-ta publ., 2016, pp. 25-26.
About author
Surovtseva Nataliya Gennadyevna, PhD in History, accociate professor, All-Russian Archival Science and Records Management Research Institute (VNIIDAD), deputy director, Moscow, Russian Federation, +7-916-020-21-65, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 21.06.2017, published:
SUROVTSEVA, N. G. Uchenyi XXI veka: k 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya M. V. Larina [Scientist of the 21st century: 70th anniversary of Mikhail Vasilievich Larin. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista – Herald of an Archivist, 2017, no. 3, pp. 237-249.