Study of Cultural and Recreational Space and Practices of the Volga Region Citizens during the First World War: Resources of Regional Periodicals
УДК 94(47)084.3
DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2020-2-516-528
E. Yu. Semenova
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russian Federation
Study of Cultural and Recreational Space and Practices of the Volga Region Citizens during the First World War: Resources of Regional Periodicals
The article analyzes the newspaper materials published in the Volga region during the First World War as a source for studying culture and leisure. Emphasis is placed on the use of publications that were not official. It is noted that newspapers were the main type of regional periodicals. With their diversity, it has been revealed that publications on the topic were in promotional content (announcements of the institutions activities, their programs); in special columns on the topic bearing characteristic titles (“Sport,” “Theater and music”); in op-ed and critical articles, which were placed in the local chronicle (reports or reviews of events with their description, including the authors’ personal views); as photo with caption (an announcement of the upcoming event). Depending on publication, the structure and arrangement of materials varied. It is noted that periodicals are available in several databases, including digital ones, and can be used by researchers as a source for comprehensive and systematic study of the topic. According to materials of regional periodicals, during the First World War there was a wide range of leisure and cultural programs in the towns of the Volga region. They were typical for uezd and gubernia centers, but the number of leisure facilities (theaters, cinemas, restaurants, park areas) was larger in the gubernia cities. It is revealed that leisure of citizens included active forms of participation (organization) and passive ones (visits). It is proved that materials of regional periodicals can be used in reconstructing and analyzing the cultural and recreational space of the towns. Reconstruction is possible on the basis of the enumeration of data on cultural institutions and places of leisure. The analysis is based on studying the content of programs, composition of visitors, organizers, prices.
Historical sources, culture, leisure, World War I, Volga region, city, periodicals.
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About author
Semenova Ekaterina Yurievna, PhD in History, associate professor, Samara State Technical University, department of sociology, political science and history of the fatherland, head of department, Samara, Russian Federation, +7-846-279-03-66, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 10.04.2019, published (for citation):
SEMENOVA, E. Yu. Issledovanie kul'turno-dosugovogo prostranstva i kul'turno-dosugovykh praktik gorozhan Povolzh'ya v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny: vozmozhnosti regional'noi periodiki [Study of Cultural and Recreational Space and Practices of the Volga Region Citizens during the First World War: Resources of Regional Periodicals. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2020, no. 2, pp. 516-528. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2020-2-516-528